
BANC-134 IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 (free) Part 2

BANC-134 IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 (free) Part 2

BANC-134 IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 (free) Part 2

Continue your journey with BANC-134 IGNOU Solved Assignment 2023-24 (free) Part 2. In Assignment II, you’ll find three comprehensive questions, each requiring responses of approximately 250 words each. These solved answers will guide you towards success in your IGNOU solved assignments for 2023-24.


a. Discuss the  importance of Quaternary period in human evolution.


The Quaternary period, spanning approximately the last 2.6 million years up to the present, is of immense importance in the context of human evolution. Several key factors make this period crucial in understanding the development of Homo sapiens:

1. Climate Change and Adaptation: The Quaternary is marked by a series of glacial and interglacial cycles, leading to significant climatic fluctuations. These changing environmental conditions forced early human ancestors to adapt, driving the development of various physical and behavioral traits. Humans evolved features such as increased brain size, tool-making abilities, and social cooperation to survive in diverse and often challenging environments.

2. Megafauna and Prey: The Quaternary also witnessed the presence of large mammals known as megafauna, such as mammoths and saber-toothed cats. These creatures likely played a vital role in shaping early human hunting and survival strategies. The ability to hunt and coexist with megafauna would have influenced human dietary habits and migration patterns.

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3. Out-of-Africa Migration: It is during the Quaternary that Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa to colonize other continents. This dispersal led to the development of different human populations, each adapting to unique environments and further diversifying the human species.

4. Tool Innovation: The Quaternary saw significant advancements in tool technology, with humans mastering the creation of more complex and versatile tools. These innovations facilitated hunting, gathering, and other survival activities, contributing to our ancestors’ success.

5. Cultural Evolution: The Quaternary also marks the emergence of more complex cultural behaviors, including art, symbolism, and burial practices. These cultural developments are significant indicators of cognitive and social evolution within Homo sapiens.

6. Evidence from Archaeology: The Quaternary provides an abundance of archaeological evidence, including fossils, artifacts, and ancient settlements, enabling researchers to reconstruct the timeline of human evolution and migration.

7. Understanding Modern Human Variation: The Quaternary period is foundational for understanding the genetic diversity and variations present in modern human populations. It helps scientists trace the genetic ancestry and migration patterns of different human groups.

In summary, the Quaternary period is pivotal in the study of human evolution as it encapsulates the time when Homo sapiens developed unique traits, adapted to changing environments, expanded their geographical range, and laid the groundwork for the diverse cultures and societies that exist today. It is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of our species in the face of significant environmental challenges.

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b. Briefly discuss the main characteristic features of Indus Valley Civilization.

Ans. The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, was one of the world’s earliest urban societies, flourishing in the Indus River Valley from approximately 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE. It exhibited several characteristic features:

1. Urban Centers: The Indus Valley Civilization boasted well-planned, grid-like urban centers, with advanced city layouts, streets, and drainage systems. Cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa featured remarkable town planning.

2. Sophisticated Architecture: The civilization displayed advanced architectural skills, with multi-story brick buildings. Many homes had indoor plumbing and sewage systems, reflecting a high level of technological advancement.

3. Writing System: The Indus Script remains undeciphered, but it is evident that the civilization had a form of writing. It is found on seals, pottery, and other artifacts, suggesting a complex system of communication.

4. Economy and Trade: The Indus Valley people engaged in agriculture, with wheat, barley, and cotton being important crops. They also had a thriving trade network, evidenced by seals depicting animals and goods, suggesting long-distance trade.

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5. Craftsmanship: The civilization produced a wide range of artifacts, including pottery, jewelry, figurines, and intricately carved seals. Skilled craftsmanship is evident in these artifacts.

6. Religion and Symbolism: Although the religious beliefs of the Indus Valley people are not well understood, there is evidence of symbols and figurines suggesting a reverence for nature, fertility, and animals. The “Pashupati Seal” is one such example.

7. Social Organization: The society appears to have been relatively egalitarian, with no evidence of extreme social hierarchies. The uniformity of housing layouts suggests a degree of equality among residents.

8. Decline and Abandonment: Around 1900 BCE, the civilization began to decline, possibly due to ecological changes, invasions, or other factors. Cities were gradually abandoned, leading to the eventual disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization.

The Indus Valley Civilization is a testament to the remarkable achievements of ancient societies and their ability to create advanced urban centers, engage in trade, and develop complex systems of governance and culture. While many mysteries still surround this civilization, ongoing archaeological research continues to shed light on its history and significance.

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c. Describe the stone tool of Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures.

Ans. Stone tools are essential artifacts for understanding the technological and cultural advancements of Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures, marking significant transitions in human prehistory.

Mesolithic Stone Tools (10,000 to 5,000 BCE):

1. Microliths: One of the key innovations of the Mesolithic era was the development of microliths, small and finely crafted stone blades or points. These were used as components in composite tools, such as arrows or harpoons, showing increased sophistication in hunting techniques.

2. Bone and Antler Tools: While stone tools were still prevalent, the Mesolithic period saw an increase in the use of bone and antler for toolmaking. These materials were fashioned into awls, needles, and fishhooks.

3. Ground Stone Tools: Grinding and polishing techniques improved during the Mesolithic, leading to the creation of ground stone tools like axes, adzes, and grinding stones. These tools were essential for food processing, woodworking, and agriculture as these societies began to experiment with cultivation.

4. Pottery: Towards the end of the Mesolithic period, some cultures started experimenting with pottery, marking the transition to the Neolithic. Pottery was vital for storing and cooking food and became a hallmark of the following era.

Neolithic Stone Tools (5,000 to 2,000 BCE):

1. Polished Stone Tools: Neolithic cultures continued to use polished stone tools, particularly axes and adzes. The process of polishing allowed for more efficient cutting and woodworking, aiding in agriculture and construction.

2. Querns and Grinding Stones: With the advent of agriculture, querns (for grinding grains) and grinding stones became prevalent. These tools played a pivotal role in food production.

3. Arrowheads and Spearheads: Neolithic societies continued to refine projectile points, making them more deadly and effective in hunting and warfare.

4. Specialized Tools: As societies became more specialized, there was an increase in the variety of tools. Examples include sickles for harvesting crops and chisels for woodworking.

5. Pottery Advancements: Neolithic pottery was more advanced and diverse than in the Mesolithic. Pottery vessels were used for storage, cooking, and trade, revolutionizing food preparation and storage.

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The transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic was marked by a shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settled life. This shift had a profound impact on the types of tools and technologies used by these cultures, ultimately laying the foundation for more complex societies in human history. Stone tools, whether for hunting, farming, or daily life, played a critical role in shaping these early civilizations.

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